
Porcelain Veneers,

Your smile says a lot about you. But if you're embarrassed or uncomfortable about how your teeth look, your smile could be holding you back. A cosmetic dentist specializes in improving your smile using a variety of methods to best suit your needs. Three popular methods include porcelain veneers, straightening and whitening.

Porcelain Veneers To Improve Your Smile

Porcelain veneers are a viable option for fixing teeth with worn enamel or showing normal wear and tear. They are also a good solution for people who have uneven teeth or who are genetically disposed to gaps in between their teeth. Your dentist will be able to help you decide if porcelain veneers are right for you.
Veneers have come a long way in recent years. Newer porcelain veneers are wafer-thin and mimic the translucent effect of the natural tooth enamel. They are also minimally invasive and require little anesthesia. To place the porcelain veneers on your teeth, a small amount of the natural tooth enamel must be removed. Veneers are a permanent solution and when applied by a professional cosmetic dentist can last 30 years or longer.

Your Teeth, Only Straighter

If you are happy with the appearance of your teeth, but embarrassed because they are crooked or gapped, you may opt to have them straightened. Traditional methods of straightening and aligning teeth include metal braces. While this is still a practical solution for many people, your dentist may also recommend Invisalign aligners.
Invisalign are invisible aligners that are removable for cleaning and eating. Your teeth are moved slowly in stages using different retainers that are custom made to achieve your desired results. Because Invisalign retainers can be removed, your teeth are whiter, cleaner and less damaged when the process is complete.

A Brighter, Whiter Smile
Whitening your teeth can create a radiant smile that instantly boosts your self confidence. A good candidate is someone who has stained teeth due to smoking or drinking coffee. There are several methods for teeth whitening, and your dentist can help you decide which is right for you.
If you prefer to whiten at your leisure, your dentist can create custom fitted trays by taking an impression of your teeth. Your dentist will give you a bleaching agent that is poured into the trays and allowed to sit on the teeth for 15-20 minutes at a time.
Another option your cosmetic dentist may recommend is laser teeth whitening. This process is done in the dentist's office and takes about an hour. The teeth are first cleaned and a peroxide gel is applied. The teeth are then treated with a laser, resulting in teeth up to 10 shades whiter.

Whether you have worn, uneven, gapped or discolored teeth, your cosmetic dentist can create a custom treatment plan that will give you something to smile about.
Dr. Clayton Zeidler writes for the San Jose porcelain veneers specialists at Zeidler Dental Group. As a leading San Jose cosmetic dentist, they are committed to comprehensive care for the whole family.

Bonita Del Rey Dental
San Diego Cosmetic Dentist
serving the Chula Vista, Eastlake and Bay Area, San Diego.